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  • Writer's pictureLesleyJohns

Late to the party

I'm a bit late to the party - the Podcast party. But now that I've found it/them, I'm a total convert.

Who would have thought that in this day of the 24-hr news cycle, and the proliferation of social media in our lives that something as simple as a voice recording, (and after all that's all it really is), can reach so many.

Why are podcasts seemingly all of a sudden so popular? Carrie Ryan, the co-author of

Serial Box's Dead Air said recently that one reason is that podcasts fit so neatly into our lives.

Any topic you’re interested in? You’ll find a podcast dedicated to it. Only have fifteen minutes to spare? You’ll find a podcast that you can listen to in that time frame. Prefer stories? There are podcasts written to scratch that narrative itch. Prefer news? Nonfiction? Science? Politics? You’ll find a podcast that fits. Carrie Ryan.

Information is at our fingertips, just a click away, on any given topic. There's something for everyone, and generally you can find something to listen to, to exactly fit a gap in our lives. Need a 20 minute podcast for the ride into work? Easy. Want more information about that cooking or lifestyle story you're interested. Done. And there's something very organic and personal about podcasts. A friend who is addicted to 'My Favourite Murder' podcasts says it feels like she's listening to a conversation with her girlfriends.

Podcasting is also a great way to reach out to your clients and stakeholder groups and offer them something else. In a way, it's adding value to the existing relationship, and who doesn't want that?

If podcasting is something you've been thinking about and don't know where to start or even what to say, why don't you give us a call. We can offer support, advice and yes the tech-stuff to make it happen. I promise the process is simple, it won't cost a bomb and your clients will love you for it.

Get on board the Podcast ride today.


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